Tuesday 16 August 2011

Power to price ratio

I bought a PURE ONE Classic DAB radio from Argos a few years ago.

I was driving up home to Donegal on my own as Rocky 2 wasn’t even born and also Rocky 1 died a year or two previously.  (Rocky 1 and Rocky 2 are my boxer dogs) So I stopped off at Argos in Strabane Northern Ireland, and purchased this fantastic PURE ONE Classic DAB radio which is still like brand new. It worked out about €20 cheaper than if I bought it in Dublin due to the currency change as Northern Ireland use the UK sterling pound because they are part of the UK. The only thing bad about this radio is that batteries don’t last and even though I used rechargeable ones, it is just a big pain to use them as they are size C and it also takes six of them and my charger only takes four batteries at 7 hours a charge. Well I’m sure you can see what I mean.  

The radio does have a power adaptor, but as I use it when I wash my teeth, shave or take a shower, I need batteries. I got so sick of this charging malarkey, that I bought a cheap radio and the batteries last for months rather than a week.
The only thing about the cheap radio is I can’t get the dab stations (I like to listen to RTE Choice) and also the sound is really poor to say the least. With the PURE ONE Classic DAB radio the sound is really good and I get to listen to what I want to.
Now here’s the thing, you can buy an optional rechargeable ChargePAK C6L that charges while the radio is plugged in and also lasts 100 hours between charges. FANTASTIC!  Just what I needed, although I can not find this for sale in Ireland atall.
I went on to Amazon and bought a jacket and walking shoes and also this rechargeable ChargePAK C6L for the PURE ONE Classic DAB radio which cost £35.94 but should be worth it although abit costley but it should last for years. The walking shoes cost £32 and Jacket £35 which was really good. I had bought the same walking shoes in Dublin a few years ago for €86 in a sale and as they lasted me well, I wanted to buy the same as I am hard on shoes.
ANYWAY I received the shoes “FANTASTIC” and also the jacket which “fits brilliant” and I will put it away for winter use, but I have not received the battery pack yet. I am just after checking my order and now see that the battery pack is being shipped from another company and has a separate postage charge which I was not aware of. OMG you will not believe how much. Considering that the battery pack was so expensive at £35.94 which is just under the normal price of £42. The cost to post my shoes and jacket was £5.95 from the UK to Dublin Ireland. Not bad although I did think the battery pack was going to be in the same package. NO the cost to post this small battery pack from the UK to Dublin Ireland is £24.99.
WHAT! £24.99! just to post a small package! OMG! I could have got a flight there and back with Ryan Air and have change left over! It must be either a joke or some kind of mistake. £24.99! I could feed Rocky for 3 or 4 weeks with that! Madness! I learned a big lesson there “ALWAYS READ THE SMALL PRINT”
Item Subtotal:  £35.94
>           Shipping&  Handling:  £24.99
>                         Total:  £60.93
>                Paid by  Visa: EUR 71,88**

Needless to say I have been in contact with the company and they have emailed me back to say they are investigating why the price is so high. I am very much hoping that it was a mistake, But if not, I will never complain about having to recharge batteries again.

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