Friday 8 August 2014

Evidence Art project

Evidence  Art project

Here is my finished art peace called Evidence. 

It was painted a few years ago as a college assignment and although it  is a few years old now, I didn't get to completely finish it the way I wanted to at the time. So today I took it down from my loft were it was exposed to extremes of temperature of cold in the winter and boiling hot in the summer. So I am sure you can imagine that it is not in the best of shape.

My idea at the time was to paint a picture of myself looking into a window and each section of window was to be painted in a different style or colour. However, my tutor at the time, was not really happy with this idea, although to be honest, I think I just didn't explain my idea properly.

So instead, I created this as a series of self portraits that I painted in the negative over an eight day period. As you can see the first one or two portraits were not so good, but each day I did a painting, I started to get better and more confident with my brush work. I have to say, my favourite one is the top right painting as the brush strokes are loose and getting more confident. I painted the portraits as negatives, as I felt at the time unhappy about my art and to be honest I still do to a degree.  The frame of this painting is covered with photos of family and ancesters as well as copies of census forms that recorded my great grand parents.

To finish this peace, all I really needed to do was put some of the wood features of the window in and that's it. Not sure if it adds to the art, however, this was taken before I coloured the frames white, so at this stage it looks out of place.

Anyway, that my finished Evidence painting

The sculptural part of this project was the Evidence chair that I featured on this blog before, but here is a photo anyway.

Until next time, thank you for reading my blog and please feel free to make a comment.

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