Saturday 3 September 2011

Courgettes for dinner

Today I took a look at my flower bed in front of my house and decided that some of my courgettes were big enough to start cooking with.  Now to be honest, I don’t think I have ever had a courgette before, although I am sure I have in some form or another. I am going to use what I have in the house and NOT go to the shop for anything. I know I have some chicken, onion, garlic and I’m sure there are other things I can use. So off I go now to get my ingredients prepared and I will see what happens.

20 minutes or so later.
This is all the ingredients that I will use. As you can see I have prepared the veg and chicken so it is ready to cook.
First I browned the chicken and added the onion and garlic. After a few minutes I added the courgette and then some spices and a touch of pepper. I added the yellow pepper, tomatoe and peas last. 
I then added some vegetable stock (OXO stock cube) and last but not least I added the noodles and a wee touch of soy.
This is the finished dish that took about 20 or so to make. It tasted really good and far better than a Chinese take away.

The only thing is, after making this dish; I still can’t say I tasted courgettes as the dish was so flavourful with all its spices and mix of ingredients. 

I guess I will have to try again tomorrow.

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