Saturday 23 April 2011

finaly started my blog

Well folks , this is my first posting. I have been thinking of writing a blog for such a long time but kept putting it off. You see I am a sufferer of one of the worst inflictions man can have, Procrastination. To anyone that may read this, you will be thinking I am just a lazy bastard. Well that’s true to a point, but I am just really stuck in a rut and find it almost impossible to escape from this life of unemployment. (There just aren’t any jobs out there for a single guy in his forties)  However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. On the 5th of May I am going to an assessment for a web design course and if I get through I should be starting on the 9th, also I have an interview (also on the 9th of May) for college were I hope to do illustration or graphic design. At the moment I am supposed to be working on my portfolio, but to tell you the truth I am finding it hard going. Its not that the artwork I am trying to do is complicated, it’s just, well, to tell you the truth, I’m finding it hard to get motivated. I know I can do the work, but I’m never happy with my own art. It’s strange really, because I went back to college 2 years ago and did an art course in BCFE (fantastic college and also were the animation school is. Last year there were four Oscar nominations for past students of this college.) and loved everyone’s art but my own. Although I know my work was up to scartch. I think with me and art, its knowing how to finish a peace. I cant post anything at the moment as my scanner is not working. I reinstalled widows and lost my scanner driver. Oh! I see this is getting far too long for a blogg. I do go on a bit. I will post more tomorrow.


Darren Quinn said...

I have a huge problem with my writing in that I always think about what other people will think about what I think about. But I shouldn't think like this at all. Look forward to reading your blog! Remember that it is better to be a procrastinator than a fecking amateur crastinator.


Marknine said...

Thanks Chad.

Darren Quinn said...

no problem