Yeah! My laptop is on its last legs. I’m sure I have mentioned it before. Over the last 6 months or so, I managed to save enough to purchase a new cheap laptop. Well, yesterday I went down to PowerCity (PowerCity is an Irish electrical store) and I was going to purchase either a Toshiba or Samsung. Because we are in a recession, I asked for a discount, which is something all people should do if they are purchasing an expensive item. The discount they offered wasn’t even 5%. I asked for at least 10%, but they wouldn’t budge an inch. This was unbelievable as they turned down a sale for the sake of a few Euros. Even if they gave me a 20% discount, they would still have made a profit. I know this because, when I was working for one of the Grafton Group companies, I would often have to source and purchase items to be sold to customers. The funny thing is, I could have gone to PC World or Argos and purchased the same or better product cheaper, or even go to ( is a UK company) and get it €100 or more less. I was trying to give an Irish retail company my business and they turned me down. When I talk about giving and Irish company my business, it does not mean I would not purchase from a UK company like Argos or Curry’s, it’s just, I think purchasing from Irish company’s and Irish products will help us get out of the hole that Fianna Fail put us in. For anyone who does not know, Fianna Fail was our last government that made a complete mess of this country with there lies and corruption. Anyway, needless to say I will not be buying a new laptop and I have paid a few bills with the money I have saved instead. I have to say though, I feel let down by PowerCity considering I have been such a good customer over the years as 90% of the electrical products in my house, were purchased in PowerCity. Don’t think I will buy from them again and it’s all for the sake of a fekin laptop.
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