Wednesday 14 December 2011

Will be starting a new course in January.

   Over the last year, I have made more applications for jobs, internships, college courses and Fas courses, than I could ever imagine doing in a lifetime. I have even applied for internships as a cabinetmaker or I have applied for placements that were looking for improvers or third year apprentice’s, (I’m a fully qualified cabinetmaker for Krypes sake) just so I could get back to cabinetmaking. I’ve applied to get into Art College (although I do have to admit my portfolio was very weak as I didn’t put enough work into it) I have even applied for an internship as an archaeological draughtsman. Every morning I get up and check the job sites and my emails, in case there is something out there for me. For every few applications I make, I will either get an email or letter stating that they are considering my application or they are sorry as my application is unsuccessful. How I don’t feel down in the dumps is beyond me at this stage.
   Well I have a bit of good news for a change. I received an email the other day that started “Congratulations - Your application has been accepted”. Now my first thoughts were a new Viagra campaign, Russian brides or maybe the Spanish lottery again (although they normally send you a letter by post.). No none of these. Wasn’t even a spam or spoof email. It seems I have been accepted into a course in DIT (Dublin Institute of Technology). So as you can imagine, I was over the moon with this good news. I ended up texting everyone that I know, telling them all my good news. For once, I thought, things are starting to go my way. Mind you, if I had put the work into my portfolio, I would have had a chance. So in fairness, it is only my fault that I didn’t get to do animation or illustration. ANYWAY, as I was saying, things seem to be going my way again to a degree.
   The course in DIT is only a very short one that will last only four weeks. But hopefully in them four weeks I will learn or at least begin to learn Photoshop and illustrator. These are the programs I have wanted to learn, but as they are so expensive, I just didn’t have access to them at all. In fact, these are the programs I wanted to learn with Fas earlier on in the year and I even went for an assessment to get into the class, but did not get I as it seems, you need to know how to use the programs before you can learn to use the programs. I wrote about this in May under the title “Sorry for not posting a blog” and I wasn’t very happy about it. But now I will get the chance to learn how to use these programs. Now if I could only afford them as they are very expensive to buy.  
   So once I do the course in mid-January, I will be back making job applications once again. I just hope that things will be better next year.

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