Tuesday 23 August 2011

Lawnmower from hell

OMG I have spent hours today trying to get that fekin* lawnmower to start with absolutely no luck. I got up early and drove around Dublin looking for a shop that will sell the sparkplug that fits the mower. It seems it is an odd ball of a size that no shops sell. I even went into Halfords car component shop and the guy behind the counter laughed when he seen the sparkplug as he had never seen that size before. B&Q were worse although they did sell sparkplugs for lawnmowers which was feck all use to me as they didn’t stock the one I was looking for. I even tried some of the hire centres and they all said no. The last place I went to was a tool shop in Blanchardstown that told me they could get the plug but it may take a few weeks. So you guessed it, I gave up my quest for a new sparkplug. I am thinking it would be easier to find the Holy Grail at this point or even find an honest Fianna fail politician.                                         
( Fianna Fail is the political party that destroyed our country with there corruption and lies. In fact our last Fianna Fail prime minister told the country that anyone that believes the econamy is in trouble should go and hang themselves.)

I went back home and fiddled with the mower again and also I tested the sparkplug which I am glad to say works fine. So the good news is I don’t need to replace the sparkplug, which made me really happy when I could see the sparks coming from it. I then took the mower apart for the third time. Stripped and cleaned the carburettor and then put the whole mower back together again.  I then put fresh petrol in the tank and what do you know? Not even a chug of smoke. Tomorrow I will call over to my brother and see if he can lend me a mower or go and hire one. I’m not that surprised my mower is banjaxed as it was a really cheap one that I bought in Argos called a Challenge Extreme. The name is quit fitting as the mower was a real challenge to the extreme. I think it may be time to put my mower to rest and bring it to the recycling centre. On the bright side, there are some fantastic wild flowers growing in my lawn. So tomorrow I will photograph some of the flowers in the lawn so you can all see.
* For anyone from outside Ireland, the word feck is a filler word that has a few meanings. For example “feck it away” which means “throw it away”. “Feck off” which is the same as FU#k off but more humorous. Fecky which means fiddly or tricky. Mostly the word feck is used as an expression of frustration.

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