Wednesday 24 August 2011

Death of a lawnmower

I rang my brother Arren (sounds like Arren but starts with a D) and I asked him if I could get a lend of his lawnmower, but as it is electric, I don’t think it would do my lawn as the grass has grown so high. I told him about my lawnmower troubles and he said it was the make of lawnmower that I had and they were practically unserviceable as it was made to be thrown away. I kind of agree with him at this stage as I have spent so much time trying to get the Fekin thing to work. I think it may be time to call it a day with the mower and save up for a new one. In the mean time I will try and hire one from a hire shop and as I once worked for a very good company in Dublin called Sam Hire, I will call into them although since the recession hit Ireland, most of the hire shops have closed down. 

Here are a few of the flowers that have grown in my lawn. As you will see, most of them would be classed as weeds. 

 This is a photo collage that shows some of the flowers that are growing on my lawn at the moment.
This flower is really beautiful with its reddish orange petals that open up in the sunshine and close up tight in the evening. Really nice.
Can't forgget the Dandilion and Dandilion clock. Wonder why it's called a Dandilion clock?


  1. Have you ever read Flann O'Brien? He has a great paragraph about a lawn-mower.
    I personlly, as opposed to "I impersonally" have been a mower of many a lawn in many a country. 'Twas in Holland I first became a full-time lawnmower, working for the Dutch county councils. It was one of the most peaceful jobs I have ever had. How oft do I remember mowing away contentedly neath the giant man-sized tulips of Leiden green, The Netherlands.
    After that I became a scoffler, but I'll save that for the post you will write about scoffling.

  2. Thanks for that Chad. I havnt read Flann O'Brien and I am only really starting to read books again. I honestly thought I was dyslexic for a long time (and may be a wee bit) But I recently decovered that I need reading glasses and have read about 10 books in the last few months as apposed to my 1 book a year. He worte the Third Policeman didnt he/
