Friday, 13 May 2011

Sorry for not posting a blog

Sorry I haven’t posted anything for the last week as there was an issue that Google were working at and I wasn’t able to log on. ANYWAY, I’M BACK.
It has been eventful since I last blogged.
On Friday 6th of May I did an assessment with FAS (FAS is Ireland's National Training and Employment Authority).The assesment was to do a course to learn adobe Fireworks and Dreamweaver for webdesign. Up untill then I have only ever used Microsoft products as I had completed an ECDL course at christmas. ECDL is the European Computer Driving Licence, which is a certificate for the proficient use of Microsoft Office. WELL ANYWAY, What I was asked to do, is design a webpage with the adobe products that I wanted to learn to use in the first place. Well let’s just say I fumbled through the task and low and behold, I got a letter on Tuesday, telling me that I was an unsuccessful applicant. Which to me means you need to know how to used adobe Fireworks and Dreamweaver before they will allow you to learn adobe Fireworks and Dreamweaver. Good job I wasn’t tryng to learn a launguage as they would ask you to speak the language fluantly before they would teach it to you.
            On Monday 9th of May, I had 2 interviews in BCFE which is a wonderfull college and also world renownd for everything from computergame design, film, music, art and also animation. The first interview was for a two year Higher National Diploma in Graphic Design. Not sure how the interview went as I was really nervous to say the least. One of the interviewers was my print tutor (and a fantastic tutor at that) and he didn’t say very much at all as I think he wanted to keep neutral considering this was the second round of interviews and there is about 170 applicants for only a few places. Some how, I don’t think I did very well as I don’t think I came across well. It’s strange really as I always used to do well in interviews, but not anymore. I seem to clam up and get very nervous and fumble through. It may be because it is really the first time I have every been unemployed for any length of time as there seems to be not work out there at all. Not having a job can really take it out of you as I need to have a purpose in life. Mind you, it has its positive side as I can think about re-education, hence me wanting to do art. I have always had a desire to do art in some form or other, which is why I became a cabinetmaker in the first place. I would still like to do cabinet making, but as an art form which would mean I would need to have my own studio to work in. Unfortunately this is impossible at the moment as it is hard enough to pay my mortgage let alone, live on the dole. ANYWAY, my second interview was in the afternoon and was for illustration (which I would so love to do) this interview went a wee bit better although I am not sure how I did as there are about 400 people going for only a few places. I hope that my enthusiasm and work ethics came across as I know this is the course I really want. I could use all the skills I already have hope fully get totally lost in the work, like I did when I first started cabinet making. Here is a link to the course I would love to do

I should hear next week if I get a place in college. If I don’t get a place I will try to get into The National College of Art and Design  which means I will need to work on a new portfolio for February next year. NCAD have a portfolio brief that has to be followed. I can start working on that as the 2012 brief has just been published. If I don’t any of these places, I will have to knock art on its head as a profession and try and get employment of any kind. Seems a pity, but bills need to be paid and life must go on. Getting a place is kind of a last chance for me and I will have to except that I will not work in the art industry. It will have to be a hobby which is kind of hart breaking to say the least.

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