Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Password ????


OMG, internet passwords. I just can’t tell you how many I have. The big problem is I allowed the PC remember these passwords for me AND I’m just after clearing everything from the PC. I have forgotten most of them and am struggling to reset them again; Honestly I must have at least 20 passwords, if not more.
Here is a list of the accounts and sites I use and my password status.

            Pimania.com                 Password ?
            Play.com                      Password ?
            Amazon.com                Password ?
Flickr.com                    Password ?
Gmail                            Password ?
Hotmail                         Password ?
Boards.ie                      Password ?
Creditcard account        Password ?
Bank account                Password ?
Campuss.ie                    Password  This one I remember 
Pigsback.ie                    Password ?
Bookdepository             Password ?
Facebook account 1      Password ?
Facebook account 2      Password ?
Picasa                           Password ?
LibriVox.com                Password ?

I have a few other sites but cant remember them at the moment. Needless to say, if I can’t remember the sites, I’m dam sure I won’t know the password. Do you know, I feel like a big dope to say the least? It wasn’t that long ago when I used to use the same password for all my accounts and only changed to different passwords because my facebook account was logged into by some one in the USA .about 6 months ago. It was only because facebook spotted this and I decided to make all my accounts secure. Now I can’t even get in to any of my accounts. Real peed off at the moment.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Did a days work

On the dole hay?

I actually did a days work for my younger brother (didn’t get paid though)
My younger brother Arren (not his real name but sounds like it and starts with a D) is a carpenter and is doing work for the SEI - Sustainable Energy Ireland scheme.  Which means he goes to peoples homes and insolates there attics, water tanks, pipes and hot water tanks. He also draft proofs there windows and doors and gives the customer energy efficient bulbs for the house. Sounds great doesn’t it? The only catch is he has to travel halfway down the country to do this. You would think there would be more than enough work in Dublin to sustain business, but no!  It seems some other company has got all the work in Dublin. He spends 6 to 8 hours travelling each day.
 I have to admit it was a wee bit of a shock getting up early to go to work. But at 5.30am, I think most people would feel the same. I have to say 5.30am on a May morning is beautiful as long as the weather is good, and it was.
The day went like this
5.30am get up, wash, let dog out, coffee, breakfast (bowl of muesli with natural yogurt) let dog back in again.
6.05 got into car and drove to Arren’s house
6.30 arrived at Arrens house and we got into his van and drove to the supply yard.
7.20 arrived at supply yard and loaded up van with insulation products and Arren went into office to find out what jobs he would have for next few days.
7.50am left supply yard and went to petrol station to put diesel in the van.€75 per day
8.00am on the road to South Tipperary (it’s a long way to Tipperary. And it is!)
11.55am finally get to destination to start insolating customer’s house. And once this job is done we are on the road again to the next customers house. Normally two houses a day. And so on until we arrive back at Arren’s house for the 10 o’clock news. And he does this 5 or 6 days a week.
Anyway, I’m sure you all get the picture.  Most of the time was driving too and from the destination. Seems silly really when you think about it as he is working for the Sustainable Energy Ireland scheme and has to drive so far each day. Fare play to Arren as he really works very hard to bring in a small crust and pay his mortgage.
I suppose it wasn’t that long ago when I used to leave the house at 8.10am to cycle the 10 miles to do a full days physical work (cabinet making) with only one 30 minute break and then probably do the overtime and cycle back the 10 miles in time for the 10oclock news. The thing is, I used to love the cycle and was really fit then and also I was saving up for a deposit for a house. I’m sure if I did a few days with Arren a week, I would start to loose the weight. I really miss not having a job with a wage packet each week so I can pay all my bills and mortgage. I think the thing I miss the most is not having a purpose and goal to work towards. Being on the dole is not easy and in many ways it is almost like being in hibernation.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Communication essay from last year

This is a very short essay I wrote last year. I am very happy with this as it is the first essay I had written since I was about 15 years old. It is based on some thing that happened when I was about 11 yearsd old.


Did Caveman Invent The Personal computer?
I know this may seem an odd question to pose, but when you really think about it, aren’t we all using a tool that prehistoric man used.  This tool I talk about is not a stone axe or any kind of physical object.  The tool I talk about is our ability to communicate.  In fact I would go as far as saying; the biggest step forward in the evolution of mankind, is with out doubt the ability to communicate with each other. Through communication we can express ourselves in so many ways, whether it is through speech or written word. We can convey our emotions through art, theatre, poetry and song. We are able to learn what people were like thousands of years ago, from stone age man with his cave paintings such as the Magdalenian paintings of the Altamira cave in Spain, to the written words that record the fall of the Roman Empire. This is what our culture and belief system is built on, our laws, religions and in fact our sense of self awareness. From the moment we are born into this world, we use communication, and develop this gift through out our lives. Even on our death bed, we communicate our last dying words and after death, our wishes are communicated through our last will and testament.
Communication has come a long way over the millennia.  However, with in the last two hundred years or so, we have entered a new era of mass communication. With inventions like the electric telegraph in the 1830s and the telephone that was patented in 1876 by Alexandra Graim Bell.  As far back as the 1800s we had instant communications across the world. Places that would normally take weeks or even months to send too, and receive messages from, could be contacted by telegraph with in a few hours. The radio that was developed by Marconi was another evolutionary leap in our ability to communicate with each other. Television that was simultaneously developed by a number of inventors in the 1920s (John Logie Baird being one of them) evolved from radio which in turn evolved from the telegraph which was developed from the Optical telegraph of the 1790s and so on, until we go way back to pre history when early man would have used their own version of modern communications technology. I think we have come a long way from the days when our ancestors would have banged a stick on the ground to get attention, or make a vocal noise that gradually turned into primitive speech  With the gift of speech, we had the means to pass on what we know and therefore develop society and culture. Let’s face it, after all these years, we are still developing and this is all down to the fact that we can use communication. And as we develop, so dose the way we communicate  They say necessity is the mother of all invention, but to me, the real truth is that it is communication.

In the last twenty years or so, we have made another technological evolutionary leap. Almost all of us, in the western world, have access to unlimited information; by just using a few finger strokes on a computer keyboard. We can find out almost anything and instantly send videos, pictures and emails to anywhere in the world via the internet.  Most of us now own our own personal phone that we have with us at all times. Even the phones in our pockets will allow us access to the internet. Things have become very easy for us. It has made the world seem a lot smaller and maybe we have become lazier as well.  No more queuing for a half hour at a public phone box, just to make a quick call home. Even writing this essay has become easier. It was not that long ago that a student would have to go to the library and do some research before writing an essay like this. It took me just a few minutes to find out when the electric telegraph was developed, and not only that, but I did it while I was writing this very essay.

I think it is a really hard thing to say whether modern communication is a good or a bad thing. Maybe in a thousand years or so, some one will be reading this essay, and think “how primitive we were.  In fact, the speed technology is going at the moment; it could be as little as ten or twenty years. The real challenge to us now, is to use the technology as affectively as possible and keep up with the technological changes. For all we know, this could just be the beginning of another communications technology era.  Who knows what changes will come in the next few years? I think the only real negative, is that we are harder to impress and I feel there is a tendency for us to take things for granted more. As a boy I remember my Grandma and Grandpa going to a neighbor’s house so they could receive a phone call from my uncle in Canada. This phone call was arranged a few weeks in advance, as my uncle had to write a letter to let them know. He also had to write to our very good neighbors as they were the only ones that had a phone at the time. Now I can make a phone call to my uncle in Canada while walking down the street or even on a bus. My Grandma and Grandpas phone call was a huge event that we all weighted for with genuine excitement. If I told some one I called Canada now, they would think I had two heads for even mentioning it. It just goes to show how things change so very quickly in just a few years. So much so I didn’t even bother to mention that the phone signal is probably beamed into space and bounced back from a satellite.
Well I guess I will bring this short essay to an end, and hay, I might even call my uncle in Canada, while I’m at it. Yeah I think that would be a very good strategy, because if you look at me like I have two heads after reading this, I can always blame it on my phone call.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Memories of rain

It seems incredible that we are having really good weather and not only that; it has lasted for well over a month now. Ireland  being the most westerly country in Europe, has a tendency to be a very rainy place at the best of times, which is why we are so green, except for my back lawn were no grass seems to grow. Mind you as I have said before, that is more to do with Rocky my boxer dog. Over the last few days it has rained a wee bit, but the sun still seems to come out and dry it all up again. Living in Dublin, we tend to get the least amount of rain in Ireland, all though anyone from another country will think Dublin is a very wet capital city compared to anywhere else. When I was 18 and I first came down to Dublin to do my cabinet making apprenticeship and I noticed that there was something different about the weather, but could not put my finger on it. I had been living in Dublin for about a month and, it started to rain and WALLAH! That was it! It was the lack of rain that was different.  You see I am from the beautiful county of Donegal, and it rains there every other day as we are near the ocean and mountains It’s strange how you become used to the weather, as I did not notice the lack of rain compared to home. It’s the same when you have a memory of when you were a kid and it seemed like it never rained and summer was warm with endless days of sunshine. I also remember asking my grandfather about the weather when he was a young boy, and you guessed it, he was convinced that they had better weather and a lot less rain at that. Mind you I remember the summers as a child, and I mostly remember the sunny days back home in Donegal. I wonder do all people have the same kind of sun shine filled, selected memory of childhood as I do and if so, what do people from really hot countries remember. Are their memories of childhood filled with rain showers and clouds?
Now, that’s not to say I don’t remember the rain when I was a child because I do. Some of the memories were quite sweet and visual. Like when I was in infant school and I was fascinated by the rain drops that created doomed bubbles and concentric circles on the puddles in the playground.  I also remember thinking it was going to flood and we would all get washed away. Mind you, this was in the same week we learned about Noah and his ark. Let’s just say, I had a very vivid imagination back then. One really good memory was of my grandfather giving out about the RTE weather forecast.  For those of you who don’t know, RTE is the Irish national TV and Radio station www.rte.ie  .   ANYWAY, as I was saying, my grandfather out of pure frustration started giving out about how he thought the RTE weather men were prejudice against Donegal as they were always forecasting rain for us. Its little gems like that, that just warm my hart on rainy Irish days.  At this very moment it has just started to rain a wee bit, and I wonder if my grandfather is up there looking down at me writing about memories of rain.


Ten years ago, I went to the city of Coventry to visit relations. I had a very nice week with my lovely aunt Ann and uncle Norman, and also my cousins Lee and Craig (or Bug as we used to call him) For anyone that is unsure, Coventry is in the west midlands of England. Anyway, the one thing that I wanted to see was IKEA as I was still a cabinetmaker at the time and I had heard so much about there furniture design.
Well I had such a good time with all my relations including Craig’s partner Dawn and there wonderful son Joe, that going to IKEA totally went out of my head. Ten years on and we how have an IKEA in Ireland (it has been here for over three years now) and up in till last Friday, I had never been there even though I still have a passing interest in furniture design. It is kind of strange as IKEA is only the other side of the city and I had never been there, even though I so wanted to go. Silly really because if it was down in Cork or Limerick, I am very sure I would have made time to go there. ANYWAY, my very good friend Jim (who was my manager in my last job) text me to meet him in Ikea for lunch so we could catch up with all the gossip after the shock of losing our jobs.
 I was finally going to see what all the fuss was about. I arrived an hour before Jim did and I have to say I spent that hour in an overwhelmed state of wonder. I have to say that the furniture is really good and brilliantly designed, and as for the pricing, let’s just say if I were to go back to furniture making, I would never be able to compete. The quality wasn’t brilliant, but it was made to last. The thing that impressed me the most was that they sold almost everything and also when they set out a show room, I felt like I was in some ones home, apart from the price stickers. It’s a good job I don’t have any money as I know I would have wanted to purchase loads of furniture and nick knacks and quirky storage solutions. A few years ago I made a steam iron holder for under the stairs and low and behold IKEA have the same thing on sale. It’s funny as I never new such a thing existed until I made one for myself and to say I was shocked was to say the least. My steam iron holder doesn’t look as good, but it has a place to hold the blades of my food mixer and also a tape dispenser for sealing plastic bags.
          While walking round IKEA, I kept wondering if they have any jobs and also if they would consider employing me. If I don’t get the college place, I will give them a try as I think I would love to work in a company that is into design and practicality.

Friday, 13 May 2011

Update 13th May 17.06pm

Just got an email form BCFE

Re: AGH - Higher National Diploma In Graphic Design
Dear Adrian ,
Further to your application and interview for the above courses I regret to inform you that your application was unsuccessful.

Even though I knew I didn’t do well in this interview and didn’t expect to get a place, I still feel hart broken as I know I would have exceeded at this course and put in 100%.  I feel bad as from my experience, I know that a lot of students only do these courses to fill in there time and don’t put in the work. I’m just sounding bitter, sorry about that. The only thing is, I still have to hear back about the illustration course which is the one I really want to do.

Sorry for not posting a blog

Sorry I haven’t posted anything for the last week as there was an issue that Google were working at and I wasn’t able to log on. ANYWAY, I’M BACK.
It has been eventful since I last blogged.
On Friday 6th of May I did an assessment with FAS (FAS is Ireland's National Training and Employment Authority).The assesment was to do a course to learn adobe Fireworks and Dreamweaver for webdesign. Up untill then I have only ever used Microsoft products as I had completed an ECDL course at christmas. ECDL is the European Computer Driving Licence, which is a certificate for the proficient use of Microsoft Office. WELL ANYWAY, What I was asked to do, is design a webpage with the adobe products that I wanted to learn to use in the first place. Well let’s just say I fumbled through the task and low and behold, I got a letter on Tuesday, telling me that I was an unsuccessful applicant. Which to me means you need to know how to used adobe Fireworks and Dreamweaver before they will allow you to learn adobe Fireworks and Dreamweaver. Good job I wasn’t tryng to learn a launguage as they would ask you to speak the language fluantly before they would teach it to you.
            On Monday 9th of May, I had 2 interviews in BCFE      http://www.bcfe.ie which is a wonderfull college and also world renownd for everything from computergame design, film, music, art and also animation. The first interview was for a two year Higher National Diploma in Graphic Design. Not sure how the interview went as I was really nervous to say the least. One of the interviewers was my print tutor (and a fantastic tutor at that) and he didn’t say very much at all as I think he wanted to keep neutral considering this was the second round of interviews and there is about 170 applicants for only a few places. Some how, I don’t think I did very well as I don’t think I came across well. It’s strange really as I always used to do well in interviews, but not anymore. I seem to clam up and get very nervous and fumble through. It may be because it is really the first time I have every been unemployed for any length of time as there seems to be not work out there at all. Not having a job can really take it out of you as I need to have a purpose in life. Mind you, it has its positive side as I can think about re-education, hence me wanting to do art. I have always had a desire to do art in some form or other, which is why I became a cabinetmaker in the first place. I would still like to do cabinet making, but as an art form which would mean I would need to have my own studio to work in. Unfortunately this is impossible at the moment as it is hard enough to pay my mortgage let alone, live on the dole. ANYWAY, my second interview was in the afternoon and was for illustration (which I would so love to do) this interview went a wee bit better although I am not sure how I did as there are about 400 people going for only a few places. I hope that my enthusiasm and work ethics came across as I know this is the course I really want. I could use all the skills I already have hope fully get totally lost in the work, like I did when I first started cabinet making. Here is a link to the course I would love to do http://applications.bcfe.ie/course-AIH-Higher_National_Diploma_in_Illustration.html

I should hear next week if I get a place in college. If I don’t get a place I will try to get into The National College of Art and Design http://www.ncad.ie  which means I will need to work on a new portfolio for February next year. NCAD have a portfolio brief that has to be followed. I can start working on that as the 2012 brief has just been published. If I don’t any of these places, I will have to knock art on its head as a profession and try and get employment of any kind. Seems a pity, but bills need to be paid and life must go on. Getting a place is kind of a last chance for me and I will have to except that I will not work in the art industry. It will have to be a hobby which is kind of hart breaking to say the least.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Portfolio for Monday

I am afraid my portfolio is looking very thin at the moment. I have been trying to add as much as I can but as ever, I am not happy with my art. HOWEVER, today I finished a test painting in my sketch diary.  This is the doorway of Conways Bar in Ramelton Co.Donegal. I know the the lettering does not look very good, but it is true to the original. The perspective is a wee bit suss to say the least, but I will be able to correct this, if I go ahead with a full painting.
The best lesson I learned while painting this is, ALWAYS USE ARTIST QUALITY PAINTS as you get what you pay for. I ended up throwing away all the cheap acrylic paint I had as it is nothing but rubbish.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Shopping list

I really must start making a shopping list before I go and do my weekly shop. After me telling you all, I was going shopping last week; this is what I ended up with.
Last week’s food shopping
·         2 bags of dog mixer (for the dog of course)
·         4 packets of custard creams (also for the dog as they are cheaper than dog biscuits)
·         2 packets of Doritos  (for me, but the dog found them first)
·         Cheese  (still in the fridge)
·         3 large onions  (still one left)
·         Bar of dark chocolate (bought this for my fab sister in law. Still in fridge)
·         10 Chicken fillets from butcher  (5 still in freezer)
·         1 jar of Chilli Concarni sauce (love chilli)
·         500g minced beef
·         Frozen Peas
As you can see most of the stuff was for Rocky.  How the hell am I so over weight? It is true, I buy loads of packets of custard creams, but the truth is, they are for the dog as he will not eat dog biscuits. Also they are much cheaper than dog biscuits. It’s also true that I end up eating them if there isn’t anything else. Must get out of that habit as I normally don’t by biscuits for myself at all.
This week’s shopping is even worse. I have spent most of my money until next Wednesday. It’s a good job I made stews and soups earlier on in the year, and put them in the freezer.
·         Bar of Dark Chocolate (this is also for sister in law. Looks like she will get two bars now)
·         Small jar of Taco sauce
·         2 Mr Muscle kitchen cleaner (on special offer)
·         Planter trays (for replanting the flowers that I sowed)
·         Tub of Glace Cherries (put these in by mistake)
·         Orange juice
·         Green peppers
As you can see there is almost no food there at all. I bought Glace cherries as they ended up in my basket (not sure how). I am eating them as I type this blog. Very surprised how small they are and also I find they taste like emulsion paint (not that I eat much emulsion paint) I think this is why it is so easy to end up eating junk food.  I will try and plan my meals and also take a shopping list with me in future.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Samsung laptop & PowerCity

You will not believe this.  You may remember I told you all I was trying to buy a new Samsung laptop from PowerCity (the Irish electrical retailer) but didn’t as they would not give me a reasonable discount. Well the laptop was on sale for €449.95 and they only offered a discount of €15 which was really bad as I was paying cash and also giving them my business. Well, the same laptop is now on sale for €339.95. That’s a difference of €110. Even at this new reduced price, they will make a good working profit. But if they gave me a discount in the first place, I would have purchased the laptop for €420 and they would have made over €90 more than now. MADNESS!  No wonder our small country is in so much financial trouble when retailers can turn down business so readily.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Sweet Pea

I am just after checking the flowers that I planted on good friday low and behold, my Sweet Pea have sprouted. That is 9 days after planting, Yipeee! The weather has been fantastic and it has hardly rained atall so I have been watering the flower pots. Its funny really as it normally rains every other day in Ireland. The one time I need it to rain, and it dosn't and also when I have been trying to learn how to paint realistic clouds, and there isnt a cloud in the sky. I wonder!
 I know it is very hard to see, but there are Sweet Pea sprouts.
Here is a close up I have to warn you, its not impressive.