Thursday 15 May 2014

Blind Carving part 1 New Sculptural Wood Carving

Blind Carving part 1     New sculptural wood carving from a wooden pallet

When I moved into my new house over 10 years ago, the builders had left a wooden pallet in the back garden. At the time I was still a cabinetmaker and me being me, I just couldn’t let the timber go to waist. I took the pallet apart and all the good timber, or at least what looked good at the time, I put up in the loft for a possible future project. Now over ten years later, I have finally decided to do something with all that timber. So I have taken all the wood down form my loft and I have got to say, the timber is not very good at all. Over the years it has dried out, cracked and warped, but I think I will use the roughness of the timber as part of the sculpture.

 So I have been thinking about making myself a Celtic shield for about 15 years and was even going to make it out of old copper pennies, and that got me thinking about Irish coins. So I have decided to make my wood into a giant coin that I can hang on the wall. The coin I have chosen is the old pre. decimalisation Florin which became the Irish 10p when we joined the EEC.

So this is the coin I will try and make from my very rough timber.

This is the timber that I have laid out and I have decided to do the work very rough as this will reflect how bad the wood is and also, the truth is I cant find my wood carving chisels as they are stored in the loft and to be honest, there is so much stuff up there, it would take me ages to find them. I also think that doing it in a rough way, will make it look old and hopefully will suit the wood I am using.

So this is how I will carve it and it will be in nine sections. I am going to blind carve each length. When I say blind carve, I mean that I will carve each length independent from the other, so the sections may not even match each other. Hopefully this will look good and the imperfections will reflect the warped and cracked wood I am using.

So this is the timber tacked together with Rocky2 my boxer dog in the foreground to give scale.

So to work I will go and I will update my progress as I go.


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