Tuesday 20 May 2014

Blind Carving part 4. New sculptural wood carving from a wooden pallet. Finished

Blind Carving part 4.   Finished 

New sculptural wood carving made from a wooden pallet 



Finished with clear wax


 Brown wax makes it look less grey and warmer


The finished blind carving, hung on my kitchen wall.

This is the finished blind carving that I made from an old wooden pallet.
As you can see it turned out OK considering how bad the wood was. All the sections married up and they match well, which was a surprise as each piece was carved blind from each other.
You can also see how the wood reacted with the iron oxide vinegar mix and also how the brown wax made it look warmer.

Now its time to plan another project, so if anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to leave in the comments.

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