Wednesday 12 December 2012

Rocky2 lost his glove

One evening last week, Rocky2 my boxer dog, was playing with a rubber glove that he got from the kitchen. I think the door under the sink must have been left ajar, all though Rocky2 does have the reputation for opening doors himself so most likely he took it from there.

 A rubber glove to Rocky2 is one of the best toys, as he likes to throw it up in the air and catch it, as well as pull the fingers with is teeth while holding the gloves with his paw and then, the next thing I will hear is the sharp snap as he opens his mouth and the elastic properties of the rubber glove twangs back into shape again.  It’s the funniest thing to see and if dogs could laugh, he would be in the same hysterics that most young kids would get when they are having real fun.  I’m sorry I never thought to take a photo or video of my dog having such a good time, playing with something as simple as a kitchen glove.

 Now here is where it all goes downhill, and the glove got all dirty, ripped and torn.  I picked it up and threw it in the fire and OMG!  You would swear I was after killing his best friend as he spent the rest of the evening whining and looking into the fire and also looking up at me, expecting me to take it out of the fire again. After an hour of this, I ended up going into the kitchen and finding the other glove. I then tried to dirty, rip and tare it, as well as put Rocky’s scent on it (with one of his many tennis balls) I then hid it in my sleeve and pretended to take it out of the fire. As the glove magically appeared, like the phoenix from the flame, I then threw it up in the air in the hope that I had fooled Rocky2 with this identical doppelganger of a dirty glove.

Do you think he was fooled? No fekin way. It only took him a few seconds, to discover that I had given him a fake. He grabbed the glove, shook it and spat it out, only to go back to the fire place and indicate that he wanted the real thing.

I took a few photos of his expressions, so you can see for yourself. Even the next day, he went over to the fire place and started sniffing for his long lost glove. Don’t think Rocky2 will ever forgive me.
 As you can see from this photo, Rocky2 does not look happy with me at all.

This was taken the next day and as you can see he still has not forgave me.

He continued to look into the fire place and almost grieve for his long lost glove, for the next few days. I think I will be in his bad books for some time to come. 


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