Thursday 5 July 2012



From the earliest times, man as a species has believed in something higher, in a religious context. Man believed that the sun and moon were gods and should be worshipped. In fact, man has had so many gods over the years, even the days of the week are named after them.
I myself am not particularly religious, although I am spiritual (if that makes sense).  I do believe that there is a God and also in an afterlife, but I also believe that my belief may be down to indoctrination at a young age and is just part of the human condition. So in a way, I believe that my belief in god is no more than a learnt thought process, which in a way beggars belief why I believe in the first place.  That was a mouthful wasn’t it?

The reason I am blogging about God, is down to the fact we had a near fatal tragedy that 99% should have happened but didn’t. With that 1%, I suppose you could say we had a miracle if you like, and not the first miracle that has happened with in the family either.  Now of course everything can be explained logically and put down to luck, but as most of us Irish have a belief in God, and yes, maybe it’s down to indoctrination, I think we would all look at it as a miracle.
I am going to keep this story very short, so a lot of details are washed over as I know if I wrote it the way it happened, it would turn into a novel.
My Aunt Angela came up to Donegal for a few days as we had family visiting from the UK and Donegal being the ancestral home, it is the gathering point for the clan. As my mother and father, as well as my aunts and uncles are at the age of retirement, they all decided to go on a bus tour of Donegal which included a meal in the Abby hotel in Donegal Town.  So, after touring south Donegal, most of the day. The bus arrived at the hotel for dinner at 5.30pm. As it was only 5 o’clock, and as they were more than a few minutes early, my folks decided to have a few drinks at the bar.  While the drinks were on the way, my mother and Aunt Angela went to the washroom as girls normally do, and they were washing their hands and re-applying lipstick or whatever else women do when they go off to the bathroom together. As my mum was just about finished and drying her hands, she heard an almighty crash and turned round to see that my poor aunt Angela had collapsed and was unconscious on the floor. Mum cried out for help and within seconds, staff were on hand with there first aid training and a few minutes later a doctor (whose clinic was next door to the hotel) was on the scene with a defibrillator and was able to work on her straight away. In that hotel washroom, my Aunt Angels hart had stopped 3 times and due to the aid she was given, she was brought back to life once again. Within 15 minutes, the ambulance was ready to take her up to Letterkenny general hospital and she was in intensive care within an hour of the incident. Angela was then kept in an artificial coma for few days and on Friday morning, as her immediate family (her sons and daughters) were at her bedside and expecting the worst; and at that, she came out of her coma and started to talk to everyone, asking what was going on. Within a few more days of care, Angela was back to her lovable self again to the relief of us all.
It turned out that the signal from her brain that tells the hart to beat, just stopped working and it could have happened at any time or anywhere. For this reason. I think it was a miracle because if it happened on the bus, sitting while watching TV, in the toilet cubical or even back home, she just would not have stud a chance of survival. In fact it could have happened while she was asleep or on her own. It was an amazing stroke of luck that she was in a place with trained staff on hand and also a Doctor with a defibrillator only a few moments away. It was also a miracle or luck, depending on you point of view, that my mum was with aunt Angela and was so quick to call for help. Everything went in her favour to help her survive and it really makes you feel like someone is looking out for us. The doctors say that if she didn’t get the treatment within the first 3 minutes, she would not have had a chance as Angela has an enlarged hart and other health issues.
She was in the hart unit in Letterkenny hospital for over a week, as she had to be monitored 24 hour a day as her hart may stop any time due to the signal miss firing. Then, last Saturday, she was transferred to St James’s hospital in Dublin and fitted with an internal device (almost like a pacemaker) that will kick in if the signal from the brain stops again. Now she is back home and everything seems to be back to normal.
The big difference is we are all so very happy and feel we were given a second chance. I have to say there is a really good feeling in the family and it seems that someone or something was looking out for us. You know what? Indoctrination or luck, I prefer to say that god played his hand in this family miracle. 

There was also another miracle in the family back in the late 1940’s or early 1950’s, with my great grandfather. I will write about this in the future, but I just want to find out a wee bit more about it.

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