Friday 27 April 2012

DIT, FAS, ADOBE,illustrator

It has been a few months since my last blog. I’m afraid nothing much has changed and I still haven’t found a job. As normal, I do check the job sites every morning and I also check to see if there is a course that will suit me on my quest to find a work. 
In fact I have done a short college course DIT which I learned how to use Adobe illustrator and other programs. It was brilliant to get the opportunity to learn illustrator as it is one of those programs that I have wanted to learn for so long. In fact you may remember me writing about trying to get into a FAS course so I could learn illustrator and how I did an assessment that made it clear that I needed to know how to use it before you could get into the course to learn how to use illustrator. MAD OR WHAT!
Here are a few pictures of the character designs I came up with while doing the course in DIT.

Please bear in mind that the course was only a few days long and it involved other products as well. The aim of the course was the development of a computer game for the apps market and to come up with characters and a concept for a game. My game concept was designed for the edutainment market, for children between 3 to 6 years old. The game was to be called “Rooster Rescue” with the hero “Roscoe Rooster”. I also designed a concept for a game logo or brand called “Rocky Dog Games”. As you can see, a lot more development is needed to finish these concepts, but as the course was very short, it would be impossible to get it all finished. However it seems I did very well according to the feedback I got and I received 10 ECTS credits at level 8.
I know it may look like there was little to the course, but believe me, there was a huge amount of work and research involved and although the course was only a few days, it was over a three week span. I can tell you, I had a few late nights, trying to get a lot of the work done. I have to say I am very happy with what I have learned and great full to DIT for giving me the opportunity.
At the moment I am doing an “occupational first aid” course with FAS. This is two nights a week over the next 5 weeks or so and it is for a FETAC cert. I have done “occupational first aid” before, but as it was over three years ago, I had to re do the whole thing as the cert only lasts for two years. It is a good cert to have and a big plus on any CV. I just hope I never need to use it.
OH another thing I have done is to finish that poem I was trying to write and I have even written another poem. I will post these, the next time. 

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