Monday 3 October 2011

Looking for a job is no fun. Another application for an internship.

As you know I have been looking for a job for what seems FOREVER. I have applied for so many jobs, courses and internships, that it is just not funny anymore. I do admit I didn’t apply for many customer service jobs because I feel this is far too unhealthy (sitting in front of a phone and PC all day) although I still would not rule it out as a job is a job. The only thing about doing customer service or even sales jobs, is I feel they are just not `stimulating enough. I need to do something that is creative and productive. Something I can get stuck into and put energy and imagination into.
        Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against customer service jobs and have worked in that environment for a number of years and got on brilliant with the customers. It’s just, I feel that they sap all your energy in a way a physical or creative work just doesn’t. When I was cabinetmaking I used to cycle 10 miles, do a full day’s work (with only one break) and then cycle 10 miles home in all weather. I can honestly say I was never as excused as when I worked in customer service. After coming off the phone and PC, it just felt like all your energy was sucked from your body and by the time I got home (driving a car) all I felt like doing was, flopping down and vegetating for the rest of the evening. But at the end of the day, if there is a customer service job out there, I would not turn it down.
However, today I have applied for another internship (one of many) and it seems to be one of my ideal jobs again. This internship is for Archaeological Draughtsperson and I think this would tick all the boxes for me. I know that this job may seem a bit boring for a lot of people, but to me it would be so stimulating, I just can’t tell you. When I was about 12 or 13, there were two jobs that I wanted to do, Cabinetmaking or Archaeology.  Well I was lucky enough to become a cabinetmaker and amazingly this crossed over with archaeology as I did work for most of the museums in the country. However the company that I worked for had a management style that, well let’s just say, I would not work in that environment again and heartbreakingly, I have not worked as a cabinetmaker since.
ANYWAY as I was saying, this Archaeological Draughtsperson internship would tick all my boxes and in fact, when I tried to get that college course for Graphic Design, my thinking was that I would be able to do the artwork and sketching for archaeological digs. Now I know that this internship will not be the same, but it will open up the opportunity for me a bit more. However I must not get my hope up as there will be hundreds of people applying for this internship that does not pay anything.
All I can do is hope.

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