Sunday 11 September 2011

Slingback girl

A few weeks ago, I told you all about my date with, let’s just call her the SLINGBACK GIRL.  As you know, it wasn’t the most successful date I have been on, but in fairness, it wasn’t the worst either. Well anyway I was doing some shopping (I know, a good catholic boy like me shopping on a Sunday when I should be in mass) and who did I bump into again, but the SLINGBACK GIRL. I was surprised that I wasn’t as embarrassed as I thought I would have been, but it was a bit awkward to be honest. I know it would have been the easiest thing in the world to ask her out on another date (in the hope that she doesn’t drink too much and start moaning about people again) but somehow I managed to avoid this. In fairness, it was really nice to see her again and we had a nice yap and even a laugh. I know she does not know, or at least I don’t think she knows why I do not want to go out with her again. I did kind of get the feeling that she was a wee bit, I was going to say hurt that I did not phone or contact her after our night out, but I think hurt may be too strong a word. Maybe she bitches and moans about people because she is hurt? That would make sense wouldn’t it? But then again, she could just be one of those people that are really judgemental.  No, I think I made the correct decision not to go out with her again as she made really personal negative remarks about our past work mates, and I just don’t think it was called for and also the fact that it was over five years ago that we all worked together shows that these are deep rooted opinions.  I’m just wondering what she really thinks of me now?   Ah well.   Oh just to let you know, she wasn’t wearing slingbacks today lol. In saying all this, I really do wish her the best and hope she will be happier with herself and others.  It’s odd in a way because yesterday I blogged that I was finding it hard to find a girlfriend and today I turned down the chance. I wouldn’t mind, but Slingback Girl is really good looking as well. The truth is, it’s what’s inside that really counts. If only I could find a girl that was into arts and crafts and the simple things. If I could find myself hippy girl that doesn’t mind fat, unemployed guys that have boxer dogs and drives a granny car (2006 Renault Modus).  I will tell you about my Renault Modus another time.

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