Friday 2 September 2011

Job Interview for stone cutter

I had good news regarding the stone cutter internship that my last post was about. I got a call from the owner of the company and he asked me if I could come in and see if I was suited to the job?

So on Wednesday I came in for an interview and was shown around the workshop and studio. I think the interview went really well although I was told that hundreds of people had applied for the job. Out of the few hundred applicants they picked 40 CVs so in a way I am really lucky. Not really sure if I will get the job as it may come down to something as simple as how near someone lives to the company or even a toss of a coin.

The manager said he was amazed at how meany people had applied to work for nothing.

When you are unemployed, the worst thing is the feeling that you are not doing or contributing anything and I can tell you that you start feeling worthless. If you are working, even for no money, at least you feel like you are worth something. Every day seems to be the same as well. You can’t go out and socialise as you don’t have enough money and it sometimes feels like there is a big black cloud hanging over you. It’s odd really as I know if I had a full time job, I would be looking forward to having time off.

WELL ANYWAY   I should hear by Monday if I get the job that does not pay anything.
If I don’t get the job I will still be happy as I know I gave a good interview and also that they picked my CV which is a big plus. I kind of wonder if I didn’t give them a call, would they have called me in the first place? Better stop now as some doubts are starting to pop into my head.


  1. Good luck man; I was out of work when I went to England: 'twas extremely depressing so I can understand what you're on about. Don't forget though, if all else fails, you can always do a Tefl and head to Bulgaria! But if not, just remember oule Lennon - "life is what happens while we are making other plans" (so don't let the plans take over!)

  2. Thanks for that Chad. I had t look up what Tefl was. Sounds brilliant, but I would really love to teach arts and crafts or even cabinetmaking (which I havnt done for nearly 10 years thanks to the lovely people I used to work for)(dont mention the black list)
    Had thought about art therapy but it takes 7 years to learn and Im over 40 now. Im also fat, ugly and single. but enough abouty my good points LOL Always good to hear from you Chad. P.S. do you still get mistaken for Collin Farrell?

  3. You're too hard on yourself man! No, haven't heard the Colin Farrell one in a long time!
