Friday 5 August 2011

Playing footsie ?

The other day I was in the super market doing my usual weekly shop of dog food and more dog food. The truth about the dog food is I look out for special offers and then buy a few cases of food that will last a month or two. I buy the really big 1kg tins and Rocky will eat a half a tin a day with mixer so it costs about €1 a day to feed him if I buy enough at the special offer price that is. ANYWAY, that’s not what I am writing about today. While I was shopping I bumped into a girl I used to work with a few years ago and in the runs of conversation, I found out she was still single (smooth or what?)  Even though she didn’t have a white stick or a guide dog, I asked her if she fancied going out on a date some time.  So I said I would pick her up and we would go for a nice drink some were. Now when I say drink it means a cola for me and whatever the lady wants as I was driving a car. So went the night and everything was going really well. Talking about the old times (only a few years ago) and how and what everyone else was doing since we were all made redundant from the company we had worked for.  Then out of the blue she started complaining about how her slingbacks were hurting her. I being a typical guy didn’t know what a slingback was and to be honest I was a bit embarrassed to ask. My mind was racing. Should I say something or do something?  A slingback to me sounds like a catapult or some king of boys toy and to be honest, I have always been into Tom boy girls as girly girls kind of put me off which may be due to me being from the country side and not being afraid of getting my hands dirty.  Anyway, I made an excuse and went to the bathroom were I phoned one of my friends to ask what a slingback was. He didn’t know either. I then thought it must be something to do with the tendons on the back of her legs as she kept rubbing he calves and her ankles.  Now of course, after looking on the internet, I have found out they are a type of shoe of all things. It is one of those OMG moments to find that out as I am not really a shoe person. I went out with a girl a few years ago and she had at least 50 pairs of shoes which I still find amazing as she only had two feet.  If only she told me that some of them were slingbacks it would have saved me a wee bit of embarrassment.   Anyway as the night went on and we had a few more drinks, me with my cola and her with alcohol. She started to relax a bit too much for me as she then started to moan and bitch about her past co-workers and making personal remarks about them which I found unsavoury to say the least. Now I would be the first one to admit moaning about work and how I or anyone would be treated, but I would never make negative personal remarks about people no matter how much I would dislike them.  At this I realised why I had not asked her out while we were still working together and also why she was still single. When it came to office politics, I was lucky as I got on with everyone but this poor girl had issues with a lot of the staff. I think her poor attitude towards people may be more of a habit than anything else and I feel sorry for the girl to be honest.  Although I will not fall out with her as we always got on, somehow I don’t think we will be going on a date again although I will be very great full that I learned what slingbacks are.


  1. Who was it man? I know quite a few I'd presume are still single!

  2. Hi Chad She wasnt on CapOne but to be honest I wouldnt say who it was as it would be unfair to her and also another thing for her to moan about. Really miss those days also having money in my pocket aswell. loved everyone in CapOne as we all seemed to get on (except for Rabeca who sole from everyone)
