Wednesday 6 July 2011

Mobile apologies

About 14 months ago I changed my mobile phone to one of those LG Cookie fresh phones. I have to say that it was a really good phone with a fantastic MP3 and a radio that you didn’t have to use with earphones. Well with all the wear and tear of it being in and out of my pocket, the phone just got all scratched and grubby.  Although I am an adult, (I promise) I still have the pockets of a nine year old boy, which means I could have anything in them although I no longer play with plastic soldiers, marbles or toy cars, you name it and I’m sure I have had it in my pocket at one time or another. WELL anyways, I decided that it was time to change my phone for a more up to date model plus I would get free phone credit. Win Win Win , so I thought. Two weeks ago I got a new Samsung Tocco Icon with its brilliant screen, fab MP3 player and also its android operating system, it even came with a memory card and a lovely leather case which will protect the phone from school boy’s pockets like mine. It looks really up to date and very stylish. All in all it looks to be a very good phone, but let me tell you folks, looks can be deceiving to say the least. Over the last week about the only thing I have been doing with the phone is calling or texting people (all my texting is done from the Vodafone website and not from my phone) with apologies to almost everyone on my contact list. Trying to text from this phone is dam near impossible and when I tried I found that the touch screen is designed for people with really small slim fingers and not for adults. Every time I tried to text, the message was incomplete and got sent to everyone and anyone. I can promise you that my fingers are not big thick sausages and I have got a delicate touch as I am a trained cabinetmaker. Even making a phone call is a task on its own. I rang the wrong number three times in a row when I was trying to call home the other day and kept getting through to a Mrs Cahooley by mistake. Thank fully Mrs Cahooly was very nice about it after I called her for the third time and once I told her what was happening, we both had a good laugh about it.  I am afraid, as I am on the dole, I will have to stick with this phone as it I can’t afford to buy a different one, although I recon, if I can get a new battery and some Tcut, I may be able to bring my old trusty LG Cookie back to life again. Also if you are reading this blog Mrs Cahooly, I promise not to call you again if I can help it.

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